Month: November 2014

My Favorite World #1

Two articles for the debut of My Favorite World. What can I say? I’m enthusiastic.

Nels Cline and Julian Lage
Mack Avenue Records

Nels Cline is a 58 year old, self-described “fake jazz” guitarist known most widely for his membership in the band Wilco. Julian Lage is a 26 year old jazz phenom, the heir apparent to Jim Hall, with unmatched technique and harmonic sophistication. “Room” is their first recording together; if we’re lucky, it won’t be the last. read more

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My Favorite World Debuts on Wednesday

Tomorrow (well, late tonight) marks the first installment of My Favorite World, a weekly feature that highlights some things that make this my favorite world. It could be a book or paintings or teevee or whatever, but it will always be something that is immune to boredom. These are the things that make me do the happy dance, only that’s just inside my head because my dancing, while not boring, is surely terrifying. read more

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Hero Worship and Moral Uncertainty

Hero Worship and Moral Uncertainty

Each of these things is just like the other,
just like the other.

Bill Cosby. Roman Polanski. Woody Allen. Miles Davis. Jameis Winston.

I read this Ta-Nehisi Coates piece in The Atlantic — a writer’s mea culpa regarding the rape allegations swirling around Mr. Pudding Pop – while I was listening to Miles Davis, just minutes after our local fishwrap announced yet another postponement to the Jameis Winston sexual assault hearing. And I really wish I had not stumbled across this particular two and two. read more

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Soft rollout part iii – Grand Opening on Monday

Soft rollout part iii – Grand Opening on Monday

Join us Monday morning for the Grand Opening of this emerging blogular powerhouse. We’ll have cupcakes, candy corn, fruit punch, frozen egg rolls, and Jager shots. Please invite all your cool friends who don’t realize they’re cool.

In the meantime, here is a piece of awesome from the mental_floss website. There will be a quiz. read more

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