Month: July 2015

My Favorite World #34

Life is busy in the bloggy vineyard, with overlapping deadlines combining with ridiculous hot weather to sap my precious bodily fluids, leaving me weakened of my essence, Mandrake.

But I would be remiss if I failed to share this photo from daughter’s soon to be stomping grounds. Apparently, I have the sense of humor of a 14 year old. I am unashamed. read more

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My Favorite World #33

Hung like a goddam robot.
Hung like a goddam robot.

Amy Shumer is funny as shit. She’s bawdy and profane and smart as a damned tack. And apparently, she’s pissed off the Disney/Lucasfilm monolith with her parody photo shoot of Star Wars icons. That alone is enough to earn her solid hero status.

I wouldn’t bother to post about her because she is literally everywhere in the media these days, but a friend the other day declared, “I literally have no idea who this person is.” So on the off chance that one of my 7 readers is one of the 13 people in the world who aren’t hip to Amy, here goes. read more

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The Atticus of My Life

In the book of love’s own dreams
Where all the print is blood
Where all the pages are my days
And all my lights grow old
Attics of My Life, by Robert Hunter

If you hate spoilers and plan to read Go Set a Watchman, skip this post for now.
But please, come back when you’re done. read more

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My Favorite World #32

Count me among the gaggle that is looking forward to the new Harper Lee like a 5-year old anticipating Christmas morning. Release date is this coming Tuesday. I will be at the nearest bookstore at opening time to grab my copy.

PBS recently broadcast a new American Masters episode about Harper Lee as part of the run-up to the new book. It’s well worth the time, especially the interviews with the adult Mary Badham (Scout in the movie) and with Lee’s elder sister, Alice, an embodiment of what Southerners call a real character. But the best to me was the interweaving of guests reading favorite passages that faded across to the movie where the dialogue was straight from the page. read more

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