De mortuis nil nisi bonum Does Not Rhyme With Rich
I posted this on the Twitter machine last night and took a little bit of grief for it. De mortuis nil nisi bonum goes the ancient admonition – Of the dead, speak nothing but good – and it was suggested that my comment was disrespectful and in poor taste.
On the other hand, I also got a ton of likes and retweets, with several commenters taking things farther and offering some truly savage comments about the late Mrs. Bush.1Though none as toxic as the that offered by the odious Roger Stone. You’ll have to search for it if you’re interested.He gets no link from this bloggy vineyard. 2I also received numerous requests to define the word encomia, the plural of encomium, with one wag suggesting that I must keep a Word of the Day calendar on my desk. Peccant whereas criminated.