Happy Anniversary, Tick

This week’s scheduled post – which is truly a zenith of the form, a paragon of wit and insight, a trenchant gaze at the meaning of words and their inevitable degradation – remains incomplete.

But there’s no need to fear! Nostalgia man is here.

One year ago today, Your Narrator was lying in bed, bemoaning the little flu virus gathered on a recent trip to NY. Things took a different course. Rather than taking time to re-relate this amusing tale, the Narrator refers you to the post Now You Know What I Did Last Summer.

Here’s a hint…

A black-legged tick.
Rat bastard tick.

The accounting department tells me this post recycling is good practice, maximizing ROI, enhancing amortization, and ameliorating depletion of depreciated assets. Whatever the fk all that means.

Back soon with some nominally original witterings.

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