The Management Wishes to Apologize

It appears The Writer slipped a fast one past Standards and Practices a few days ago. The Mgmt. wishes to apologize for the overly harsh tone The Writer took when discussing the food of the irresistibly delightful and perky Rachel Ray, whose food deserved better than the snide dismissal she suffered in our last post. We beg the forgiveness of the perkyperkyperky Ms Ray, and of our readers.1Sincerely, we like the perky Ms Ray, and find her food to be perfectly fine, albeit unspectacular. The Writer is an embittered wretch, however, and is prone to unseemly outbursts. Again, we apologize.

What kind of monster would be cruel to this bubbly sprite?
What kind of monster would be cruel to this bubbly sprite?

As penance, The Writer has been chained to our kitchen counter where he will be forced to create this dessert twelve times a day for the entire twelve days of Chrismakwanzkuh.

And he will  be forced to eat every. damn. bite. That oughta learn him.

Sisyphus, upon hearing of this punishment, said “Wow, that’s kind of harsh, doncha think?”

No. We most certainly do not.




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