So color me amazed and humbled. Since I announced the fundraising drive for the Send Your Narrator to Uganda project, the donations have been rolling in. We have passed the $1000 mark and well on our way to two large. I am incredibly encouraged and excited. And grateful.
First thing: the link to the 501(c)(3) Domi Education account is live. Hit the Donate button at the top right of the page to make a tax deductible contribution.
There have been a few questions about the project, the why and how, but one question in particular has popped up several times:
Given all the great publicity the Mana folks will receive from my work, why aren’t they paying for my expenses?
Fair question. There are a few reasons, but the main issue is this:
I want Immune to Boredom to retain complete editorial independence and ownership of the resulting work.
I’m not doing this as a paid PR operative. I am looking for a story that, hopefully, represents some aspect of our human/social/political drama that helps us understand the larger implications of community, compassion, and the human condition. I want to be able to ask uncomfortable questions when needed, and not feel bound to any specific interest beyond the story I find.
Second, the farther into this that I dive, the range of work this research can produce expands almost by the hour. Already fielding questions and contacts from a variety of possible channels that I had not imagined were viable. Very exciting.
Third, my travel costs to cover this story amounts to treatment for about 100 kids suffering from Severe Acute Malnutrition. I really don’t want that money if it takes away from kids who are in dire need. And as I’ve said before, if you don’t want to donate to this project, please consider contributing directly to Mana. Fifty bucks will literally save the life of a child.
Heck. Donate to this project and to them. You’ll feel double plus good.
Finally, I will be receiving substantial support from Mana. All our critical arrangements – for ground transport; access to government officials, relief agencies, and camps; and on-the-ground security – are in the hands of people who know the terrain and the political landscape. They are providing access to some very difficult to reach people and places. It would be unthinkable to travel there without that kind of logistical support.
Hope this clarifies the situation. Thanks for the support and well-wishes. I have an amazing community around me, both close at hand and at-a-distance. My gratitude is indescribable.
PS and also, too: if anyone knows of a suitable audience within driving distance of Tallahassee, I am happy to come speak to groups about this project. Let’s do this.
PPS and also, too, too: If you prefer to make your tax-deductible donation via check, please remit to:
Domi Education
914 Railroad Ave
Tallahassee, FL 32310
Follow @rushin_robert